Wednesday, May 11, 2005


Chris Matthews is ticking off Tony Blankley.* They're discussing the nuclear option. Matthews is wondering aloud: so you unleash the nuclear option, get all these anti-abortion judges in, probably 4 new Supreme Court justices, and overturn Roe v. Wade. And then what?

Following a millisecond display of annoyance, Tony Blankley rearranges the fatty tissue that comprises his face and reassures us that nothing much will happen. It will all go back to the states. And they aren't anti-abortion judges. They're strict constructionists, he says proudly.

Matthews is confused (?), doubtful (?). Strict constructionists on Roe v. Wade or on the Constitution, he asks.

Tony Blankley once again rearranges the fatty tissue that comprises his face and clarifies: the Constitution. And then, purely for marketing purposes, he adds: but don't forget, there's been 30 or 40 years of legal precedent regarding abortion, so …, so …, so ….

So manipulative. So immoral. So despicable.

*Transcript not yet available.

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