It was the Alaska State Fair, August 2008. With the gray Talkeeta Mountains in the distance and the first light covering of volcanic ash about to descend on Pioneer Peak, I breathed in an autumn bouquet of everything small-town America with rugged splashes of _____.
Crystal meth and foot-long _____. Reindeer _____ on a stick. _____-___ed salmonberry wine. Banjo music played. Aborted fetus posters flapped in the wafting Arctic breeze. Bristol gasped at the record-breaking giant __________ grown under the midnight sun.
Since being elected governor in 2006, I had managed to rack up _____, though I didn’t _____. To me, it signaled that Alaskans, with their _____ spirit, wanted _____ and not _____-as-usual. In the Right to Life Booth, I smiled, dropped _____ into the can, and didn’t care who might be _____, including local reporters. Alaskans knew my _____. No news there.
At that moment, _____ vibrated me back to work. I ducked behind the booth, hoping it wasn't some _____ political _____.
I punched the green _____ and moaned, This is Sarah.
It was Senator John McCain, asking if I wanted to help him change _____.
Click here for my fill-in answers.
Image via Fark.
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