Monday, June 11, 2007

At this point there'd be a post that goes like this

I'm stunned. Paris Hilton made it onto the "Popular Keywords" list on Free Republic. High praise indeed. The only other individuals listed are Bush and Fred Thompson. Not even Mitt Romney is currently so honored. That's what sluttony (presumed or otherwise) will do for you.
It's understandable that the camera-preening flaunting of wealth, youth, arrogance, and privilege on an endless red carpet strut through the supermarket tabloids and the E! network would produce a tangy taste of payback when a Paris Hilton gets tossed in the clink or a Lindsay Lohan is photographed puking and looking unstrung, but there are bigger, better objects for our derision, worthier causes to flex our jaw muscles about in chewy indignation.

People say, "If Paris [or Lindsay L] weren't celebrities, they wouldn't be getting all this special treatment and all these second chances that other people don't get." Well, yeah, obviously; welcome to the modern world. But I think it's more than their pampered celebrity aura that bugs people, I think it's that they're young women perceived (rightly or wrongly) as bachelorette sluts. As such they get to be receptacles for moral disapproval in ways that young men don't. [emph added]
That was the ever-eloquent James Wolcott. And this is the never-eloquent Doug Giles.
America's Obsession With Stupid Sluts

Girls, if you want to have our society’s spotlight shine down on you for no real reason other than you’re an idiotic, drunken narcissistic whore, well then . . . this is your window of opportunity, girlfriend!…

Americans, it seems, can’t get enough of the immoral dumb chum that emits from the splooged brains like that of Lindsay, Britney, Paris and their wannabe ogling entourage. No wonder al Qaeda calls us the Great Satan. [emph added]
Get it -- the Twin Towers died for Paris's sins.

Suddenly, Giles realizes that a man outside of the ministry or the priesthood railing against sluttony might raise some awkward questions about the robustness of his heterosexuality.
For clarification purposes, lest someone think that I’m gay (not that there’s anything wrong with that) I’m all for watching and appreciating beautiful women. But c’mon, America, enough is enough. I’ve seen these chicks’ private parts via ET, TMZ and E! more than I have seen my own and I’m 44 years old.

And it's not really about the sluttony, it's about the unequal coverage of sluttony and non-sluttony in the media.
Y’know, it wouldn’t be so bad to see these whacky wenches on our air waves if the media was fair and balanced in showing an equal chunk of accomplished women who have risen to notoriety without having to shine Clinton’s apple. But that ain’t gonna happen. At least not anytime soon. Maybe after the next terrorist attack on US soil wakes us the hell up. But not for now. As a culture, we have officially traded the applause we used to give to the truly noteworthy and have bestowed it upon the nebulous tramp.
Got that? The next terrorist attack on US soil will be the direct result of too much sluttony coverage on the TeeVee.

Oh, and because Clinton got a blowjob.

UPDATE: Doghouse Riley sees Paris both as a third Bush daughter -- that would be Jenna, Not-Jenna, and Not-Not-Jenna, I guess -- and as metaphor.
[I]t's damned hard not to see Paris Hilton as the embodiment of the Bush administration, as the Bush Daughter who didn't have to toe the line in public lest Babs freeze the trust fund for twenty years, the one who didn't have to promise not to run drunk and naked through any hotel corridors on this continent.

Read the complete rant here.

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