Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Oil Index

Sometimes you don't even need to read the book, just its index.


as basis of U.S. lifestyle, 31, 32
biblical references to, 7, 11
foreign policy role of, 46-51, 67, 80-82
GOP's national security agenda driven by, ix, x
interrelationship between dollar and, 349
national security linked to, ix, x, 35, 78, 80-87
party politics and, 34-37
as socially corrosive, 86-87
as symbol and fuel of U.S. hegemony, ix, 3, 4
transition to next fuel after, 4
U.S. ascendancy fueled by, ix
U.S. dependence on, 31-67, 346
U.S. military protection of sources, ix, 71, 80-87, 339
as weapon, 10
oil industry, 25-28, 58, 394

aging infrastructure of, 17, 24, 25-26
campaign contributions of, 44, 92
candor regarding oil reserves from, 22-23
countdown to Iraq War driven by profit and reserve worries of, 87, 91-92
Iraq War endgame of, 91-92
and loss of Middle East concessions under nationalization, 76
political clout of, 34-37
political corruption in, 44-45, 86-87
weakening international circumstances for U.S., 25
wealth of, 19, 32, 37

*Selected index listings from American Theocracy.

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