Thursday, March 09, 2006

George W. Bush: A fully depreciated asset

While not about media coverage, Jeff Faux's "The Party of Davos" indirectly yields the answer as to why sustained critical coverage of the Bush/Cheney administration, once almost impossible to find in the MSM, now is almost impossible not to find.
[T]he twin pillars of the US superpower--the Pentagon and Wall Street--are slipping into their own crises and soon may not be able to provide the military and economic muscle for the Davos agenda [of the global ruling class].

The crisis on the military side involves blowback from the overreach in Iraq. Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld--despite their thick transnational corporate connections--have created a disaster for Davos. The war has unleashed an army of enemies of Western modernization that is making global corporations nervous. Two years ago the wiser heads at Davos were appalled at Cheney's delusional report on the Bush Administration's progress in turning the Middle East into a shopping mall--however much they might have sympathized with the objective. Today the mess in Iraq has revealed to Davos both the incompetence of the American governing class and the unwillingness of the American electorate to make the sacrifices necessary to act as security police for the world's rich and powerful. [emph added]
Simply put, Bush and Cheney, the designees of America's governing class, blew it big time. Their own political party has now tied the approval of something as humble, in the grand scheme of international business, as the Dubai Ports World deal to the financing of the Iraq war. And Americans are now calling for the Americanization of the country's port operations.


The global ruling class knows when to cut its losses.

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