Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Literally. I fell off a ladder yesterday. Given the physics and the geometry of the situation, I am very, very lucky. I fell backwards (think Bluto Blutarsky in "Animal House") and landed on the stairs opposite, still clutching the feather duster. At least I managed to get the cobweb before free-falling. But Lord am I sore.

Figuratively. So the sneaky little shit from New Jersey made it to the Supreme Court. And so it goes. Well, let's see who acts the most surprised when it turns out that Alito's judicial sensibilities make him suitable for nothing of greater importance than rubber stamping repo claims.

Additionally. Joe Biden was on CNN all giggly and flirty with Blitzer, who wanted to know why the attempted filibuster failed. Biden of the super-bleached teeth trotted out the old Will Rogers line:
I am not a member of any organized political party. I am a Democrat.
Is the man effin brilliant or what? He could have said something like: In the end, it may have amounted to only a symbolic gesture, but it's a significant gesture nonetheless. We put our names and our vote on the record, and history will prove us right.

Ultimately. Ah yes, tonight's the night of the State of the Union address. The only good thing about it is that it doesn't involve Joan and Melissa Rivers — as far as I know; I haven't checked the E! listings yet.

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