Thursday, November 10, 2005

Judge Samuel Alito Saves American Civilization

So one guy from Jersey's supposed to save America almost all by himself, and it's not even The Boss.
Judge Alito will be the fourth of nine votes to fix the Supreme Court. One more vote and an ‘Originalist’ majority on the U.S. Supreme Court can save American Civilization from Judicial Tyranny. Alito won’t save our Civilization by himself, but it can’t be done without him. Or, at the least, saving our Civilization can’t be done the easiest, direct, most peaceful way without an Originalist Supreme Court and many Originalist judges throughout the Federal judiciary. The harder way is another revolution, which is the supreme irony, because judicial tyranny is about judging which revolution is right for America (puns intended). Please, allow me to explain.
No, I refuse to grant you permission to explain. I'm very protective of the few working brain cells I have left.

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