Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Karma around the bend

I've spent a few hours too many today looking at the big message boards -- Republican, Democrat, and a few unidentified species -- monitoring every piloerection about the Plame leak.

Some blogs have been bursting their bandwidths with conspiracy theories, improbable plot twists, and McGuffins by the dozens.

Mon ami: Has it occurred to youuuu that there are tooooo many cluuu-ues in this roommmm?

Oh, and let's not overlook the mindless repetition, alternating with mindless disputation, of purported facts. She was undercover. No she wasn't. She sent her husband. No she didn't. He went but only drank mint tea in the hotel lobby. No he didn't. He never investigated the yellowcake claims. Yes he did. Their neighbors knew she was CIA. No they didn't. They don't sort their glass and plastics for recycling. Yes they do.

Here's my first pronouncement:
People, if it's there, it's there; if it's not, it's not.
What to make of all this attention being focused on a bespectacled middle-aged man with a noticeably muscle-deficient chin. What does it all mean? I don't know for sure. Nonetheless…

Here's my second pronouncement:
Karma can't be rushed.

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