Monday, May 16, 2005

Sometimes the brilliance of their insights leads to flash-burn blindness

Jib-jabbing on The Beltway Boys

FRED BARNES, CO-HOST: And meanwhile, of course, the new elected democratic government in Iraq goes into high gear, and it proves again, you know, that old saying that you’ve heard me say before about the dog barks but the caravan moves on. It’s moving on. And the dog isn’t even barking so much any more.

MORT KONDRACKE, C0-HOST: Well, a lot of the dogs are still shooting in Iraq, unfortunately, and a lot of innocent civilians are getting killed, along with security forces.

But, I mean, basically, you’re right, I mean, there is lots of good news to report in the War on Terror. Mainly, there have been no attacks in the United States since 9/11.

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