So now Newsweek's Herbie Stempel will discover for himself what it's like to hear the thundering keyboarders typing his name over and over and over. Let's hope that Monica Lewinsky and Bill Clinton send him some cheery e-greetings, because this is all Spikey's going to see from the inhabitants of right-wing-landia for awhile. . . .
"Newsweek and the Rioters", Dennis Prager
As I said on my radio show days before Newsweek revealed that its report was baseless, even if the report were true, the magazine was highly irresponsible when it published the report. It could have only one effect: inflaming the wrath of hundreds of millions of Muslims against America.Bow your heads in thankful prayer: You'll never hear such outrageous stories on right-wing radio or read them on right-wing blogs!
Newsweek is directly responsible for the deaths of innocents and for damaging America. As a typical member of the American news media, Newsweek's primary loyalties are to profits and to its political/social agenda. We are very fortunate that in America, at least, we now have talk radio and the Internet; the mainstream news media are no longer Americans' only sources of news. Europe and the rest of the world still rely almost exclusively on news media for their understanding of the world, which is a major reason for their anti-Americanism.
"A Bad Year for the Press", Linda Chavez
Isikoff should have nailed that down before he rushed to print. Why didn't he? Because it fit with what has become journalistic orthodoxy on the War on Terror. Many journalists seem to believe that we have become little different from our enemies. . . .The dagger: If Isikoff really loved America, he never would have believed the story in the first place.
Mistakes like the one Michael Isikoff and Newsweek made will continue to occur if the media refuse to become as skeptical of those who hate America as they are of those who love and defend her.
"The News About Newsweek", Bill Murchison
It ill behooves the media all the same, for its own sake as well as the country's, to pretend that the American war effort (this includes prisoner interrogation) is a thing to be covered with fine "impartiality," like the NBA playoffs. As we see this week, consequences flow from different modes of presentation.Remember fans: Close calls always go to the home team. In fact, all calls go to the home team.
"Newsweek: A Dan Rather Rerun", Brent Bozell
It's just tragic that the liberal media are willing to believe the most exotic rumors about the depredations of President Bush and the U.S. military, long before they've been verified and long after they've been retracted.Does "most exotic rumors" include the one about Bush milking the male horse?
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