Tuesday, March 01, 2005

This Month's First Nominee: Worst Transition in a Political Column

Building Stability Through Instability (Town Hall)

By Rich Tucker

Things just seem to look different through the eyes of The New York Times. The newspaper is now running a television ad featuring a family sitting around having breakfast and reading the Times. You’d expect the “typical” American family -- wife, husband, two-point-whatever children.

Instead, the father seems to be about 50, the mother about 30 and the daughter about 15. Typical in Manhattan, perhaps, but not Manhattan, Kan.

The Middle East looks different, too.

After Rafiq Hariri, Lebanon’s former prime minister, was assassinated, Times’ State Department correspondent Steve Weisman told CNN, “It means more turmoil than ever in the region….
Sometimes I feel like Ralphie Parker's grammar school teacher, grading pencil-smudged theme papers while muttering with weary exasperation: margins, margins, margins. -- Grace

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