Saturday, March 05, 2005

Don't read too much into this. In fact, just forget he said anything about it.

Judy Woodruff's Inside Politics (CNN)

Bush breaks his silence on…? Premarital sexcapades? Past drug use? His military desertion? No. It's just about what's his name.

DANA BASH, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: [T]he president made his remarks about the war on terrorism at the swearing-in ceremony for his new Homeland Security secretary, Michael Chertoff. And during those remarks we heard a surprise, a rare utterance, unprompted, about his old nemesis.
Translation for "unprompted" = Bush wasn't actually running for re-election at the time and compelled to stand at a podium during televised debates.

BUSH ON VIDEO CLIP: We're on a constant hunt for bin Laden. We're keeping the pressure on him. Keeping him in hiding….
Yes, because before the United States was on a constant hunt for bin Laden, the man was actually seen in a long line of people waiting to audition for "Tora Bora Idol."
BASH: What was striking about the president's comments was that he evoked the three-and-a-half-year unsuccessful hunt for Osama bin Laden. And, of course, you remember after 9/11, the president vowed to get him dead or alive, but after that proved to be a promise hard to keep.
Well, Bush made it an even harder promise to keep by declaring all-out war on the country next to the country where bin Laden supposedly has gone to ground.
The president [said] that the fight against terrorism is bigger than one person, and that perhaps bin Laden isn't the only issue. It's about the broader hunt for al Qaeda. Now, more recently when the president has talked about bin Laden, it has not been about finding him. It has been more generally, for example, about blaming him for stoking the insurgency in Iraq….
Sounds like somebody's moving the goal posts in the middle of the game again. Not very sporting, Mr. President.
But White House officials, Judy, do insist that we shouldn't read too much into what we saw today of the president…. And that if there are questions about whether or not we are, in fact, close to getting Osama bin Laden, again, they say don't read too much into that.
Well, if White House officials insist. But don't worry, Dana and Judy, I never read too much into Bush's surprise and unprompted utterances anyway.

1 comment:

The Heretik said...

Thanks again for the Blogroll. Right now I am not quite sure best way to list you on mine. U ben der week . U not weak, but strong. Where did that stuff come from. Your head line bump my chump. Skills, Bitches. Write on, girl. Thanks for the laughs. I got to go pee now.