US Rep Artur Davis (D-Birmingham) announced
that he will vote against the version of health care reform legislation pending in the U.S. House of Representatives.
All four Alabama House Republicans and all three Alabama House Democrats have vowed to vote against healthcare reform legislation.
Why? Well it’s not because Alabamans are the healthiest and most long-lived Americans, that’s for sure.
Current ranking of Alabama for life expectancy among the 50 states: 48th.
Alabama ranks 8th in childhood death rate.
Alabama ranks 5th in teen death rate.
Alabama ranks 7th in firearms death rate.
Alabama ranks 5th in reported gonorrhea cases.
Alabama ranks 5th in reported syphilis cases.
Finally, Alabama consistently ranks among the worst in the nation in infant mortality -- and the US rate itself is a national disgrace.
*More charts and data available here.
** Mr. N.'s dad is from Ala-fuckin-bama -- that's what he calls it. As soon as he was old enough, he enlisted in the Navy and got Ala-fuckin-out.
Jack Smith Brief Released (Mostly in Full, Names Redacted)!
Link to PDF Not all that redacted, except for names. So far, it seems like
the whole story could be there, minus names. h/t everyone i the previous
And the 'rest of the story' is that all these Ala-fuckin-bamans will proudly reelect the clowns much like all these brilliant Georgians I live with.
The ability to consistently vote against their own self interest is what makes them great.
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