Snarky: I have never deleted a commenter's comment. I lost a whole archive's worth of comments a while ago when I changed layouts and switched from using Haloscan to using just plain old blogger's comment system.
As to leaving my website's address: fine by me. Will do.
Plus: I don't think I'm trolling your site. Your site's motto is "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." I agree. And while ridiculing ridicule is probably pointless, it is fun!
You must have missed the About page, where I say the site's purpose is shove that statement, Alinksy's 5th rule, up the wazoo of every Democrat. That makes you a troll for hanging about and instigating.
Thanks for reconsidering and letting me comment on your website. I don't think of myself as a troll. In fact, I thought my comments on "The Obamas Pledge" not only were non-instigatory but factual, ie, it is easy to reverse an image by flipping the negative, doodle some photoshop elements, and Bob's your uncle. I even cited Gary Cooper in "Pride of the Yankees" -- what could be more American?!
Anyway, you're welcome to stop by here and comment any time.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
Fun With Monogamy, Vol. MMCDLXXXI
TELEVISION Blitherer: The baby's name will be George Alexander Louis. My
Poor Wife: Damn! I was hoping for “Dakota”!
Your You're So Sony
Recently North Korean hackers, in retaliation for unleashing another James
Franco/Seth Rogen movie on us, released hundreds of e-mails from Sony
Arguing with Children
The other day the New York Times ran an op-ed about Greta Thunberg, the
teenage environmental activist. The TL;DR is that activism, particularly
the activi...
Because I've ceased to find enjoyment from trolls. Plus I'm returning the favor you did for me when you deleted my comments a while back.
I find it very interesting that you've started to pay attention to ADHD again. Why is that?
Oh, and maybe if you were honest and left your website address for others to find you I just might reconsider.
Snarky: I have never deleted a commenter's comment. I lost a whole archive's worth of comments a while ago when I changed layouts and switched from using Haloscan to using just plain old blogger's comment system.
As to leaving my website's address: fine by me. Will do.
Plus: I don't think I'm trolling your site. Your site's motto is "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon." I agree. And while ridiculing ridicule is probably pointless, it is fun!
You must have missed the About page, where I say the site's purpose is shove that statement, Alinksy's 5th rule, up the wazoo of every Democrat. That makes you a troll for hanging about and instigating.
Snarky, I love you too.
Thanks for reconsidering and letting me comment on your website. I don't think of myself as a troll. In fact, I thought my comments on "The Obamas Pledge" not only were non-instigatory but factual, ie, it is easy to reverse an image by flipping the negative, doodle some photoshop elements, and Bob's your uncle. I even cited Gary Cooper in "Pride of the Yankees" -- what could be more American?!
Anyway, you're welcome to stop by here and comment any time.
You're not. Stop coming to my blog and rating everyone's comments. You've been blocked.
What the heck? I didn't rate anyone's comments. I didn't rate anyone's posts. My last comment was a Joe Biden/Amtrak joke!
Well then, until we meet again....
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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