Tuesday, March 14, 2006

The Anencephalic Rightwing Review of Stuph

Stuph written by, you know, guys with paying gigs.

Clifford D. May bitches and moans because the US military isn't allowed to kidnap, torture (full-throttle), whack off heads, carry out summary executions, and plant IEDs like all the other kids get to do in Iraq. The United States should never limit itself to just deploying its overwhelming military superiority. Such unfathomable reluctance will come back to haunt us, he warns.

Richard Cohen opts out of the Manichean mind set, deciding that it's okay for a bully's buddy to charge in from the sidelines when the bully is losing and kick the bully's victim in the stomach. Waxing nostalgic, Cohen approvingly links his cherished schoolboy memory to Bush's giving the nuclear thumbs-up to India and a lead-tipped boot in the balls to Pakistan.

He's like cool in his zone with the whole GLBT thang, says LaShawn Barber, but the problem is JEEZUS all this GLBT-ucking totally freaks out GOD!, who already has enough problems to deal with.

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