Tuesday, January 24, 2006

At least BetonIraq knows theocratic drift when it sees it

Just noticed that those BetonIraq ads — you know, bet your US dollars on Iraq dinars and maybe you'll score big! — now feature a young woman in "modest" Islamic garb. She seems to be wearing a hijab (kid you not: available at hijabs-r-us.com) that she has pulled up to cover her lower face, like an improvised niqab, or face-veil. The photo on the left is from the March 2005 ad.

Is it just or me, or does the fetching young woman seem to be Malay (or Southeast Asian) rather than Iraqi?

Anyway, for those of you who might be interested, I came across a simple sewing pattern for making a chador, available here.Use 60"inch wide material. Measure from your forehead, down your back, to the floor. Purchase twice this amount of fabric.

Revised 2:15pm

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