Friday, July 15, 2005

Good God, there's no there there: Gazing into the eyes of Feith

Officially, Douglas Feith is Underscretary of Defense for Policy and acclaimed or cursed as one of the key strategists leading up to the war in Iraq.

Personally, I think of him as the bastard son of Dr. Felix Hoenikker, and I truly believe that the creep-savant has the last chip of ice-nine in a sealed container in his pants pocket.

Anyway, for whatever reasons, Feith put in an appearance on Wolf Blitzer Reports just minutes after Blitzer wrapped up an interview with Joe Wilson (bet the bookers and production assistants ran up a bar tab that night).
BLITZER: [The] whole premise of the war, as you, yourself, said in the weeks leading up to the war, was to find and destroy weapons of mass destruction -- chemical, biological, nuclear capabilities. None of which have existed.

FEITH: No, that's not accurate.

BLITZER: Well, let me read to you what you said the New Yorker. At least you were quoted as saying, "By using military force -- what we would be using military power for, if we have to, would be the goals the president has talked about, particularly the elimination of the chemical and biological weapons, and preventing Iraq from getting nuclear weapons."

FEITH: Right. And the Iraqis -- the Saddam Hussein regime -- had chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs. And, as you know, the Duelfer report concluded that.*

BLITZER: But no stockpiles.

FEITH: What they didn't have is stockpiles.

BLITZER: Well that's a significant difference.

FEITH: Well, how significant it is is an issue….

BLITZER: But that argument … but that argument now, the one you're making, is a lot different than the one you made leading in.

You didn't talk about capabilities. You talked about stockpiles. You talked about actual weapons.
Now carefully read Feith's next statements.
FEITH: In fact, we did talk about capabilities. Obviously, the intelligence community, unfortunately, made a significant error with respect to the stockpiles.
Okay. So Feith is maintaining that the intelligence community screwed up in their assessment of Saddam's stockpiles. They thought stockpiles existed but -- ooops -- they didn't.

You'd think Feith would leave it at that, but he doesn't. He immediately doublebacks on own statement, insisting that the stockpiles did/do exist (so the intelligence community did not make a significant error?) and that the only question is how Saddam made the stockpiles magically disappear from Iraq.
FEITH: We still don't know what happened to the stockpiles that Saddam had that we have not been able to find. I mean, nobody knows the mystery of how he got rid of them.
I'd really like to call the guy an idiot, but he might just have a vial of ice-nine in his pants pocket.

*Purists prefer to use the term: weapons of mass destruction program-related capabilities.

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