Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Okay, people, let's keep our code books up-to-date

Just as Rich Lowry perceives more and more shades of gray (see below), Billmon notices the Bush administration's further classification and codification of the non-Coalition people who are shooting and bombing in Iraq.
If you go back and look at the old party lines (versions 1.0 and 2.0) you can quickly see that something new has been added. Heretofore, the "anti-Iraqi forces" have consisted of:
1.) Foreign Terrorists (aka "assassins")
2.) Regime Remnants (aka "dead enders")
3.) Criminal Elements (aka "thugs")

But now we have a fourth category, one with a nice neutral name that doesn't allude to hacking people's heads off or gassing your own people or hating our freedoms:
4.) Iraqi Insurgents (aka "negotiating partners.")

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