Sunday, April 24, 2005

Sunday, Bloody, Sunday

A Judicious Compromise: Democrats Should Take the First Step to End the Filibuster Fracas (Washington Post)
By David S. Broder

Summary: "Here is what should happen: The Democratic Senate leadership should agree voluntarily to set aside the continued threat of filibustering the seven Bush appointees to the federal appeals courts who were blocked in the last Congress and whose names have been resubmitted. In return. . . . ."

Analysis: Yes, in return for blinking first, the Democrats will gain much swelling and bruising of groinage, and nothing else.

Losing Our Religion (Christian Science Monitor)
By Jonathan Zimmerman

Summary: "They still don't get it. If you want to see why Democrats keep losing national elections, look no further than the most recent controversy over President Bush's judicial nominations. . . .

"Republicans keep winning [because we] live in the most devout wealthy democracy on the face of the earth. You might celebrate that fact, you might deplore it, but you cannot deny it. For a policy to be right or wrong, there must be a reason. And for the vast majority of Americans, that reason will involve their faith.

"Instead of telling Republicans to leave their religion out of the judicial nomination battle, then, the Democrats should challenge the nominations on religious grounds."

Analysis: Not applicable, since faith-based policy decisions are ipso facto infallible. But I would like to see the scriptural arguments for/against Amtrak funding.

The Constitutional Option: What's Really at Stake
(Human Events Online)
By David Limbaugh

Summary: "[Democrats] view the judiciary as a catalyst for social change, an instrument to supplant traditional values with secular relativism, and all the hedonism and licentiousness it entails."

Analysis: Dave, there are easier ways to enter the land of hedonism and licentiousness. Just ask your brother El Rushbo. Get a good radio gig and enjoy the fine Habanos, luxury golf excursions, and reassuring rattle of OxyContin capsules. Can't Rush get you comped?

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